Kita sering mendengar istilah phobia, yang berarti takut pada sesuatu dengan kadar yang berlebihan. Istilah ini di gunakan untuk menyebut ketakutan seseorang terhadap sesuatu misalnya takut terhadap ruangan sempit, takut ketinggian atau takut pada gelap.
Takut pada | Nama |
Kecelakaan | dystychiphobia |
Tua | gerascophobia |
Sakit karena ketinggian | aeronausiphobia |
Terbang | aerophobia (see also flying) |
alkohol | methyphobia |
Meminum alkohol | dipsophobia |
Sendirian | autophobia |
Makhluk Amphibi | batrachophobia |
| amnesiophobia |
Binatang | zoophobia |
Binatang liar | agrizoophobia |
Menjadi marah | angrophobia |
Kulit binatang | doraphobia |
Semut | Pmyrmecophobia |
Benda yang tak simetris | asymmetriphobia |
ataxia | ataxiophobia |
Energy atom | nucleomitophobia |
Ledakan atom | atomosophobia |
Serangan | scelerophobia |
Cahaya aurora | auroraphobia |
Kendaraan bermotor | motorphobia |
Orang jahat | scelerophibia |
bakteria | bacillophobia |
menjadi botak | phalacrophobia |
kebotakan | peladophobia |
Mandi berendam | bathophobia (see also depth) |
beards | pogonophobia |
Di gigit sesuatu | rhabdophobia (see also magic) |
Tidur | clinophobia |
Lebah | apiphobia |
Pengemis | hobophobia |
bearing a deformed child or deformed people | teratophobia |
Dinilai buruk oleh lingkungan | social phobia |
Sepeda | ornithophobia |
Burung | melanophobia |
Warna hitam | scotomaphobia |
blindness in visual field | cyclophobia |
darah | hemaphobia |
blushing | erythrophobia (see also red) |
body odour | bromhidrosiphobia |
bogies or the bogeyman | bogyphobia |
Bolsheviks | Bolshephobia |
books | bibliophobia |
bound (being) or tied up | merinthophobia |
bowel movements (painful) | defecaloesiophobia |
brain disease | meningitophobia |
bridges (crossing) | gephyrophobia |
buildings (high) | batophobia |
Peluru | ballistophobia (see also missiles) |
Banteng | taurophobia |
Di kubur hidup-hidup | taphephobia |
Kanker | carcinomophobia |
Kucing | ailurophobia |
Celts, Celtic | Celtophobia |
Kuburan | coimetrophobia |
certain places | topophobia (see also performing) |
challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation | heresyphobia or hereiophobia |
changes | metathesiophobia |
changes (making) | tropophobia |
Bahan kimia dan pekerjaan kimia | chemophobia |
Ayam | alektorophobia |
childbirth or pregnancy | tocophobia |
| Sinophobia |
chins | geniophobia |
choking or of being smothered | pnigophobia |
Kolera | cholerophobia |
Jam | chronomentrophobia |
clothes | vestiophobia |
Awan | nephophobia |
clowns | coulrophobia |
Gereja | ecclesiophobia |
coitus | coitophobia |
cold | cheimaphobia |
Warna | chromophobia |
Komet | cometophobia |
Perhitungan rumit | Hellenologophobia |
Komputer | computerphobia |
constipation | coprostasophobia |
contagious (being) | tapinophobia |
Memasak | mageirocophobia |
cosmic | kosmikophobia |
Menyebrang jalan | agiophobia |
crowded rooms | koinoniphobia |
crowds | demophobia |
crucifixes or crosses | staurophobia |
Kristal dari gelas | crystallophobia |
dampness, liquids or moisture | hygrophobia |
Menari | chorophobia |
kegelapan | nyctophobia |
dawn | eosophobia |
siang hari | phengophobia |
kematian | necrophobia |
decaying matter | septophobia |
membuat keputusan | decidophobia |
defecation (painful) | defecalgesiophobia |
deformity | dysmorphophobia |
Setan dan siluman | bogyphobia |
dokter gigi | dentophobia |
dependence on others | soteriophobia |
kedalaman | bathophobia (see also bathing) |
Setan dan roh | demonophobia |
diabetes | diabetophobia |
Makan malam dan percakapannya | deipnophobia |
Kotoran | mysophobia |
dirt (on oneself) | automysophobia |
Penyakit | bisiogibua |
disease (hereditary) | patriophobia |
disease, illness | pathophobia |
disease (particular) | monopathophobia |
disease (rectal or rectum) | proctophobia or rectophobia |
disease (skin) | dermatosiophobia |
dizziness or whirlpools | dinophobia |
doctors | iatrophobia |
Anjing | cynophobia |
Boneka dan anak-anak | pedophobia |
double vision | diplopiaphobia |
draughts, fresh air, air swallowing | aerophobia (see also flying) |
draughts, winds | anemophobia |
Mimpi | oneirophobia |
Mimpi basah | oneirogmophobia |
minuman beralkohol | potophobia |
mabuk | pharmacophobia |
drugs (new) | neopharmaphobia |
dryness | xerophobia |
debu | amathophobia |
Dutch | dutchphobia |
tugas atau tanggungjawab | paralipophobia |