Takut pada | Nama |
Kecelakaan | dystychiphobia |
Tua | gerascophobia |
Sakit karena ketinggian | aeronausiphobia |
Terbang | aerophobia (see also flying) |
alkohol | methyphobia |
Meminum alkohol | dipsophobia |
Sendirian | autophobia |
Makhluk Amphibi | batrachophobia |
| amnesiophobia |
Binatang | zoophobia |
Binatang liar | agrizoophobia |
Menjadi marah | angrophobia |
Kulit binatang | doraphobia |
Semut | Pmyrmecophobia |
Benda yang tak simetris | asymmetriphobia |
ataxia | ataxiophobia |
Energy atom | nucleomitophobia |
Ledakan atom | atomosophobia |
Serangan | scelerophobia |
Cahaya aurora | auroraphobia |
Kendaraan bermotor | motorphobia |
Orang jahat | scelerophibia |
bakteria | bacillophobia |
menjadi botak | phalacrophobia |
kebotakan | peladophobia |
Mandi berendam | bathophobia (see also depth) |
beards | pogonophobia |
Di gigit sesuatu | rhabdophobia (see also magic) |
Tidur | clinophobia |
Lebah | apiphobia |
Pengemis | hobophobia |
bearing a deformed child or deformed people | teratophobia |
Dinilai buruk oleh lingkungan | social phobia |
Sepeda | ornithophobia |
Burung | melanophobia |
Warna hitam | scotomaphobia |
blindness in visual field | cyclophobia |
darah | hemaphobia |
blushing | erythrophobia (see also red) |
body odour | bromhidrosiphobia |
bogies or the bogeyman | bogyphobia |
Bolsheviks | Bolshephobia |
books | bibliophobia |
bound (being) or tied up | merinthophobia |
bowel movements (painful) | defecaloesiophobia |
brain disease | meningitophobia |
bridges (crossing) | gephyrophobia |
buildings (high) | batophobia |
Peluru | ballistophobia (see also missiles) |
Banteng | taurophobia |
Di kubur hidup-hidup | taphephobia |
Kanker | carcinomophobia |
Kucing | ailurophobia |
Celts, Celtic | Celtophobia |
Kuburan | coimetrophobia |
certain places | topophobia (see also performing) |
challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation | heresyphobia or hereiophobia |
changes | metathesiophobia |
changes (making) | tropophobia |
Bahan kimia dan pekerjaan kimia | chemophobia |
Ayam | alektorophobia |
childbirth or pregnancy | tocophobia |
| Sinophobia |
chins | geniophobia |
choking or of being smothered | pnigophobia |
Kolera | cholerophobia |
Jam | chronomentrophobia |
clothes | vestiophobia |
Awan | nephophobia |
clowns | coulrophobia |
Gereja | ecclesiophobia |
coitus | coitophobia |
cold | cheimaphobia |
Warna | chromophobia |
Komet | cometophobia |
Perhitungan rumit | Hellenologophobia |
Komputer | computerphobia |
constipation | coprostasophobia |
contagious (being) | tapinophobia |
Memasak | mageirocophobia |
cosmic | kosmikophobia |
Menyebrang jalan | agiophobia |
crowded rooms | koinoniphobia |
crowds | demophobia |
crucifixes or crosses | staurophobia |
Kristal dari gelas | crystallophobia |
dampness, liquids or moisture | hygrophobia |
Menari | chorophobia |
kegelapan | nyctophobia |
dawn | eosophobia |
siang hari | phengophobia |
kematian | necrophobia |
decaying matter | septophobia |
membuat keputusan | decidophobia |
defecation (painful) | defecalgesiophobia |
deformity | dysmorphophobia |
Setan dan siluman | bogyphobia |
dokter gigi | dentophobia |
dependence on others | soteriophobia |
kedalaman | bathophobia (see also bathing) |
Setan dan roh | demonophobia |
diabetes | diabetophobia |
Makan malam dan percakapannya | deipnophobia |
Kotoran | mysophobia |
dirt (on oneself) | automysophobia |
Penyakit | bisiogibua |
disease (hereditary) | patriophobia |
disease, illness | pathophobia |
disease (particular) | monopathophobia |
disease (rectal or rectum) | proctophobia or rectophobia |
disease (skin) | dermatosiophobia |
dizziness or whirlpools | dinophobia |
doctors | iatrophobia |
Anjing | cynophobia |
Boneka dan anak-anak | pedophobia |
double vision | diplopiaphobia |
draughts, fresh air, air swallowing | aerophobia (see also flying) |
draughts, winds | anemophobia |
Mimpi | oneirophobia |
Mimpi basah | oneirogmophobia |
minuman beralkohol | potophobia |
mabuk | pharmacophobia |
drugs (new) | neopharmaphobia |
dryness | xerophobia |
debu | amathophobia |
Dutch | dutchphobia |
tugas atau tanggungjawab | paralipophobia |